Die Polizei als Sicherheitsakteurin und ihre öffentliche Wahrnehmung in Barcelona vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Spanischen Bürgerkrieg


  • Florian Grafl Universität Ulm




Barcelona, Polizeigewalt, 20. Jahrhundert


This article investigates the extent of the police’s ability to provide security for the citizens of Barcelona from the late 19th century to the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. The first section argues that, due to the high frequency of bombings, assassinations, and armed robberies, insecurity was a permanent factor of public life. The second section examines the official police force Guardia Civil, whose main problem was the small number of police officers in relation to the fast-growing urban population. The final section analyses how police operations to secure law and order were perceived by the public. It argues that in the upper and middle classes the police were disrespected for their alleged lethargy, whereas people from working-class circles criticised police actions for their inappropriate use of force. The article concludes that the police in Barcelona caused insecurity and contributed to the high intensity of violence rather than securing law and order.


Florian Grafl, Universität Ulm

Florian Grafl, Dr., forscht und lehrt am Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin an der Universität Ulm. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind die Stadtgeschichte Barcelonas, Spanische Geschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert sowie Europäische Gewaltgeschichte der Gegenwart. Veröffentlichungen u.a.: Terroristas, Pistoleros, Atracadores. Akteure, Praktiken und Topographien kollektiver Gewalt in Barcelona während der Zwischenkriegszeit 1918-1936, Göttingen 2017.


