Value Judgments. Notgeld and Exchange with an ‘Inflation Saint’ in Thuringia


  • Erin Sullivan Maynes Los Angeles County Museum of Art



Notgeld, Inflation, Deutschland, 1914-1924, Weimarer Republik


Notgeld, or emergency money, was a phenomenon of Germany’s decade of inflation (1914-1924). Created in tens of thousands of unique issues, this provisional currency produced by municipalities, businesses, and local banks was initially intended as a temporary substitute for the often unavailable Reichsmark. As the inflation wore on, however, Notgeld became more than a replacement for the Reichsmark. It became a fixture of local economies, a desirable collectible, and a visual space to promote identity, express anxieties, and assert independence from the political and economic turmoil of the nation. This essay explores how Notgeld produced by the town of Kahla in Thuringia, a prolific centre for the production of emergency money, interrogated concepts of community, labour, and value during the inflation. It also examines the exchange between Kahla and a different kind of community influenced by inflation: followers of the so-called “Inflationsheiliger” Friedrich Muck-Lamberty. Muck-Lamberty promoted values very different from those of the communities he encountered on his tour through Thuringia in 1920, offering an explicit alternative to the social and economic status quo. The story of Muck-Lamberty’s visit to Kahla and the scandal that ensued was the basis for a set of notes that became the town’s first financially successful Notgeld series.

Der Aufsatz wurde zuerst veröffentlicht unter dem Titel „Currency and Community. Labor, Identity, and Notgeld in Inflation-era Thuringia” in: German Historical Institute Washington Bulletin, Supplement 14, 2019, S. 39-56:


Erin Sullivan Maynes, Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Erin Sullivan Maynes, Ph.D., ist Assistenzkuratorin im Robert Gore Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies am Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Sie erhielt ihren Ph.D. in Kunstgeschichte von der University of Southern California im Jahr 2014. Zu ihren jüngsten Veröffentlichungen gehören: E. Sullivan Maynes/R. Kaplan, Pressing Politics, Los Angeles 2022; E. Sullivan Maynes, Paper Promises. Inflation and the Insufficiency of Ersatz in Weimar Germany, in: D. Ascher Barnstone/M. Makela (Hrsg.), Material Modernities. Innovations in Art, Design, and Architecture in the Weimar Republic, London 2022; E. Sullivan Maynes, Making Money. Notgeld and the Material Experience of Inflation in Weimar Germany, in: Art History 42:4, 2019, S. 678-701.






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