Von Krise zu Krise. Die gegenwärtige Finanzsituation der deutschen Kommunen im Kontext mittelfristiger Konjunkturentwicklungen


  • Christian Raffer Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik




Kommunen, Finanzsituation, Schulden


This article provides an overview of the financial situation of German municipalities and takes a long-term perspective on the developments that have led to the current situation. One important finding is that, although overall figures have pointed to relative fiscal stability for more than a decade, there is considerable heterogeneity across municipalities. There is a long list of financially weak municipalities that suffer from high debt, tight budgets, and decaying infrastructure. In addition to summarizing official budget data, particular attention is paid to survey results that point to a significant investment backlog in municipalities. Finally, the article focuses on the exceptional inflation situation in 2022 and lists several potential transmission channels through which rising prices can weigh on, but also support, municipal budgets. Since the link between fiscal and price developments at the local level has so far hardly been discussed in a German context, this last section offers a new contribution to the academic debate.


Christian Raffer, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik

Christian Raffer, M. Sc., is a senior researcher at the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik) and a PhD candidate in Public Economics at Freie Universität Berlin. His main area of interest is local government finances and their interrelation with public infrastructure and the provision of services of general interest. To broaden the knowledge in this field, he conducts large-scale surveys among German local governments and analyses publicly available budget data. In his thesis, he investigates the impact of budget reforms and fiscal rules on fiscal decision making. In addition, he analyses drivers of local government corporatisation. Another field of interest is regional economics. Here, Christian Raffer is interested on determinants of high firm growth.






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